This is Charon Faustinus's personal universe

Exlitry.World (or Exlitry verse) are created by Charon Faustinus

Press Kit

watch me live on twitch

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Member of the *nixRing

<- roboring ->
pink dripping left arrow black button with pink purple and blue dripping border that says bisexualism webring
blue dripping right arrow

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Feels free to read and take a look around the sites and all of my characters. Note that English is not my primary language. so there's gonna be a funny Engrish moment there and there. Also feels free to sign the guest book!

old message from guessbook123 can be seen here


Cool sites

Sneexy Aikoyori

My button

gif version (95.3KB)

avif version (experimental 32.1KB)

Please hotlink my button. I have a lot of bandwidth to spare per months and I paid for the server.