It’s been awhile since I’ve written something on this website. So hello

First of all, I’ve relocated from Bangkok to somewhere, no longer lived in Bangkok.

And second, I am no longer interested in streaming. But still interested in making videos. No matter how much I tried to get up and stream, it is no longer in my interests as I also work for those [famous youtubers][] This isn’t mean I’ll quit. But I need some work-life balance. I got bills to pay behind my back. So, jobs is job.

Streaming in my opinions is lame, The “streaming” meta is kinda done, because no one that I know watched a streamer anymore. Myself included.

When have a day off. I go for the walk outside, or being inside VRChat. cus that’s my life now I guess. But I also have a new spare time hobby, taking care of plants.

I’ve give up on gaming.

I have no time to play Video Games, period. I’ve lost interest in gaming since it’s just full of lootboxes and shit. I might just play old game via emulator forever. (Come and sue me Nintendo, I’ve emulate your Wii, Game cube, and 3DS and download ROM from the internet.) I feels like gaming is difficult for me, So I decided that gaming is done for my life. Only play old games that I’ve played or VRChat from now on.

Plants Live

There’s a live stream for my plants that I nicknamed it “Watch plants glow” Because it’s just a webcam that point at the plants for no reason. Yeah, I also have time-lapse folders saved. So if you wanted to view it click on the image below, also thanks Isaac from Waterwolf for letting me host my stream on one of your server, I did set up your server to be the best possible rtsp relay server as I can.

Click on the image to view the stream

Screenshot from plants stream

Site’s Chatbox and now playing are going away soon.

Yep, because I feel like it loaded unnecessary shit, I mean why do people wanted to know what I’ve been listening? I have a free mp3 player on the main page of my website, so you should know what I like to listen by that thing.

The last thing you cloud do is follow my or, even better, the listenbrainz account.

And about the chatbox?? Chatango loaded google tracking API and my AdBlock keep on blocking it. So I can’t read my own chat box in the past month since I switched to librewolf as Mozilla is evil now. I just need my website ads free and tracker free.

The Firefox alternate???

Yeah, about that, Mozilla decided to go ape shit about user data. I always don’t like them since I started using Firefox and introducing me to pocket and sponsored link on new tab page. But in terms of evilness, Google will always be NO.1 on the evil list. I understand Mozilla just need money, and they’re losing Google search.

If you ask me what an alternate that will not tracks or sells userdata? well, there’s none. Eventually those open and closed source fork will just run out of passtion or money to keep maintraining.

Sorry American, you have no choice but to live with it. Because you’ve created a capitalism landscape. You’re now living in its late state. Everything is money, if it can make money It’ll have ads. This is on you, Adam Smith, and this is on you, Uncle Sam.

Edited J. M. Flagg's 1917 poster with the text changed to "Uncle Sam want your money and taxes, Nearest online subscription services"

So I hop on to a few browser trains, Floorp is my recommendations from now, alongside with librewolf, Zen is buggy last time I’ve used, but all of it serve nothing new to the table.

Love Letter to JPEGXL

I’ve used JPEGXL for some part of my website, I’ve impremented the webasm decoder for the browser that not support it.

Browser industry are stupid, We’re just trusts ads company long enough to let them dictate us about how we use the internet, what is allowed to serve to our face. It’s the same fucking thing as browser. What is allowed to in the browser. And everyone seems ok with that??? for 10 or more years?

I love and simp for a JpegXL format, why? It is because it’s better than any other image codec that tried to complete with it. All the image codec are now based on video codec, and video codec are make for moving pictures, if you pause low bitrate VP9 or AV1 video, it is just not going to look good. Because it was made for video. so please STOP USING VIDEO CODEC FOR IMAGE, IT DOESN’T LOOK THAT GOOD. We need a real codec that solve these issues.

  • Less file size with more quality per bits.
  • Lossless that compress better than png tga or whatever the fuck many image format are out there.
  • HDR support, Nearly infinite resolution support.
  • Progressive downloading support. (AVIF and WEBPOOPOOPEEPEE just don’t)
  • Free??? (Might not possible due to being American made)

Seems like JPEGXL can be able to solve those issues for the most part. The only problem is those old fart people who are “not interested” in implementing it are just straight up fucking conservative at this point. Like I’ve seen Pale Moon, Thorium, Mercury, Waterfox, and event safari implement it like counting 1 2 3. But for Google Chrome, maybe if the sun burned out we will eventually be able to see JXL on Chrome.

2024 in view

Worst year ever, Losing job, moving home, losing friends and shit

It’s all shit.